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de Leon, KJG & FNC Paraan. Parallel acceleration of density matrix renormalization group calculations with TensorFlow, in Proceedings of the 37th Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas Physics Conference, SPP-2019-PB-14 (Tagbilaran City, Philippines, 2019).
Ayang-ang, CDP & FNC Paraan. Quantum phase transitions and Schmidt gap closing in a Kitaev chain with long-ranged interactions, in AQIS Conference 2019 Abstract Booklet - Poster Day 1, 174-175 (Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Seoul, 2019).
Santos-Putungan, AB, N Stojić, N Binggeli & FNC Paraan. Strong chemisorption of CO₂ on B₁₀–B₁₃ planar-type clusters, J. Phys. Condens. Matter 31, 145504 (2019).
Mangada, MGL & FNC Paraan. Accuracy of a tensor network-based image classifier saturates with bond dimension, ASTHRDP Graduate Scholars' Conference, P126 (PICC, Pasay City, 2018).
Canoy, RJE & FNC Paraan. Average work done in a ground state quantum quench of the Kitaev chain model with variable-range interactions, in Proceedings of the 36th Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas Physics Conference, SPP-2018-PC-18 (Puerto Princesa City, Philippines, 2018).
Ongkiko, MAT & FNC Paraan. Band structure contribution of adsorbed H₂ on graphene calculated from molecular orbital projections, in Proceedings of the 36th Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas Physics Conference, SPP-2018-PA-19 (Puerto Princesa City, Philippines, 2018).
Mangada, MGL & FNC Paraan. Benchmarking a tensor network-based machine learning algorithm for supervised image classification, in Proceedings of the 36th Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas Physics Conference, SPP-2018-PB-23 (Puerto Princesa City, Philippines, 2018).
Viloria, JFD & FNC Paraan. Calculation of the stiffness coefficients and elastic moduli of copper-silver alloy using molecular dynamics simulations, ASTHRDP Graduate Scholars' Conference, F3-5 (PICC, Pasay City, 2018).
Canoy, RJE & FNC Paraan. Characterization of a ground state quantum quench of the Kitaev chain model with variable-range interactions using work statistics, ASTHRDP Graduate Scholars' Conference, F3-2 (PICC, Pasay City, 2018).
Felismino, JIKE & FNC Paraan. Comparison of Python GPU implementations of eigensolvers, in Proceedings of the 36th Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas Physics Conference, SPP-2018-PB-51 (Puerto Princesa City, Philippines, 2018).
Medrano, MR, MN Soriano & FNC Paraan. Computational fluid dynamics analysis of lift on the Teardrop 2.0 for different angles of attack, in Proceedings of the 36th Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas Physics Conference, SPP-2018-2C-04 (Puerto Princesa City, Philippines, 2018).
Chiong, III, MR & FNC Paraan. Density functional theory-based determination of the mechanism of electrochemical reduction of CO₂ to CO by Co(salen) complex, in Proceedings of the 36th Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas Physics Conference, SPP-2018-PA-27 (Puerto Princesa City, Philippines, 2018).
Ayang-ang, CDP & FNC Paraan. Entanglement spectrum and entropy scaling in a Kitaev chain with variable-range interaction, in Proceedings of the 36th Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas Physics Conference, SPP-2018-PC-35 (Puerto Princesa City, Philippines, 2018).
Lopez, VWM & FNC Paraan. Evaluating the performance of a thresholding filter on handwritten images classification task, in Proceedings of the 36th Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas Physics Conference, SPP-2018-PB-47 (Puerto Princesa City, Philippines, 2018).
de Leon, KJG & FNC Paraan. GPU implementation of singular value decomposition for high rank tensors, in Proceedings of the 36th Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas Physics Conference, SPP-2018-PB-50 (Puerto Princesa City, Philippines, 2018).
Balt, BA & FNC Paraan. Ground state correlation functions of the XY spin chain in a random transverse field, in Proceedings of the 36th Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas Physics Conference, SPP-2018-PB-44 (Puerto Princesa City, Philippines, 2018).
Dumanjog, MFA & FNC Paraan. Ground state entanglement entropy between harmonically confined dipoles, in Proceedings of the 36th Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas Physics Conference, SPP-2018-PB-53 (Puerto Princesa City, Philippines, 2018).
dela Rosa, RS & FNC Paraan. Ground state entanglement entropy in a coupled spin-1/2 dimer with Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction, in Proceedings of the 36th Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas Physics Conference, SPP-2018-PB-52 (Puerto Princesa City, Philippines, 2018).
Ang, PDS & FNC Paraan. Piezoelectric tensor of AlN calculated by the Berry phase approach implemented in Quantum ESPRESSO, in Proceedings of the 36th Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas Physics Conference, SPP-2018-PB-12 (Puerto Princesa City, Philippines, 2018).
Itable, GMM & FNC Paraan. Symmetry-protection in the deformed Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki state, in Proceedings of the 36th Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas Physics Conference, SPP-2018-PB-18 (Puerto Princesa City, Philippines, 2018).
Chiong, III, MR & FNC Paraan. Ab initio study on the binding of carbon dioxide to cobalt salen complex, in Proceedings of the 35th Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas Physics Conference, SPP-2017-3B-05 (Cebu City, Philippines, 2017).
Chiong, III, MR & FNC Paraan. Ab initio study on the effects of phenyl substitution on the binding of carbon dioxide to salcomine, 12th Siam Physics Congress, 147 (Rayong, Thailand, 2017).
Canoy, RJE & FNC Paraan. Block purity in a long-range Kitaev chain, 2nd International Science Graduate Scholars' Conference, 153 (PICC, Pasay City, 2017).
Esperanza, RC & FNC Paraan. Correlations in an extended Hubbard model with Ising-like interaction, in Proceedings of the 35th Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas Physics Conference, SPP-2017-PB-08 (Cebu City, Philippines, 2017).
Chiong, III, MR & FNC Paraan. A DFT-based determination of the mechanism of electrochemical reduction of CO₂ to CO by a cobalt-Schiff base catalyst, 9th Electronic Structure and Processes at Molecular-Based Interfaces Workshop, P024 (National University of Singapore, Singapore, 2017).
